Associate Professor, Chairperson, and Michael A. Gooch Family Faculty Fellow
Fulton Hall 450D
Telephone: 617-552-4034
Email: henrik.hagtvedt@ehulk.net
ORCID 0000-0002-2791-5660
Aesthetics; Art Marketing; Luxury; Product Design; and Sensory Marketing.
Henrik Hagtvedt’s primary research interests are in aesthetics and visual marketing (including topics such as digital displays, visual art, product and promotional design, and luxury branding). He relies mainly on empirical quantitative methods, including experiments, field studies, and database analyses. His research has appeared in Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, NeuroImage, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and The Journal of Positive Psychology, among other outlets.
He has received multiple research awards, as well as outstanding AE and outstanding reviewer awards, and was recognized as an MSI Young Scholar in 2015 and an MSI Scholar in 2023. He has served and/or currently serves on the editorial review boards of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology, and as an area editor at Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Retailing. His research has been featured in TIME, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Businessweek, The Boston Globe, Boston Herald, U.S. News & World Report, Los Angeles Times, ABC News, NPR, and dozens of other major news outlets around the world.
Prior to his current career, he studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy, and he worked full time as an artist and exhibited internationally for several years. During these years, he had more than 25 major exhibitions in Europe and Asia. The initial art-related experiences sparked his interest in marketing and consumer behavior, and today this background still informs his research and areas of expertise.
When teaching, Professor Hagtvedt draws on this expertise as well as business experience from diverse industries. Having lived in seven countries on four continents, and having traveled extensively in dozens of countries around the world, he also brings an international perspective to the classroom.
“Immersive Retailing: The In-Store Experience.” (With Sandeep R. Chandukala.) Journal of Retailing, 99 (4), 505-517. December, 2023.
“The Impact of Scarcity Cues on Purchase Likelihood of Art-Infused Products.” (With Mansi Gupta, Gopal Das, and Felix Septianto.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. May, 2023.
“A Brand (New) Experience: Art, Aesthetics, and Sensory Effects.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50 (3), 425-428. January, 2022.
“Viewing Challenging Art Lends Meaning to Life by Stimulating Integrative Complexity” (With Kathleen D. Vohs.) The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17 (6), 876-887. September, 2021.
“Safe Together, Vulnerable Apart: How Interstitial Space in Text Logos Impacts Brand Attitudes in Tight versus Loose Cultures,” (With Tanvi Gupta.) Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (3), 474-491. October, 2021.
“Components of Visual Perception in Marketing Contexts: A Conceptual Framework and Review.” (With Kevin L. Sample and S. Adam Brasel.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (3), 405-421. August, 2019.
“Dark Is Durable, Light Is User-Friendly: The Impact of Color Lightness on Two Product Attribute Judgments.” Psychology & Marketing, 37 (7), 864-875. September, 2019.
“Shared Aesthetics: A Commentary on Collaborative Art.” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (4), 336. 2019.
“Aesthetically (Dis)Pleasing Visuals: A Dual Pathway to Empathy and Prosocial Behavior.” (With Amir Grinstein and Ann Kronrod.) International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36 (1), 83-99. March, 2019.
“Color Saturation Increases Perceived Product Size.” (With S. Adam Brasel.) Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (2), 396-413. August, 2017.
"Art Enhances Meaning by Stimulating Integrative Complexity and Aesthetic Interest." (With Kathleen D. Vohs.) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, 30-31. 2017.
“The Allure of the Hidden: The Act of Unveiling Confers Value.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick and Yashar Atefi.) International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (2), 430-441. June, 2017.
“Cross-Modal Communication: Sound Frequency Influences Consumer Responses to Color Lightness.” (With S. Adam Brasel.) Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (4), 551-62. August, 2016.
“Gilt and Guilt: Should Luxury and Charity Partner at the Point of Sale?” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Journal of Retailing, 92 (1), 56-64. 2016.
“Living Brands: Consumer Responses to Animated Brand Logos.” (With S. Adam Brasel.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (5), 639-53. May, 2015.
“Consumer Responses to Combined Arousal-Inducing Stimuli.” (With Gopal Das.) International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 213-5. March, 2016.
“Promotional Phrases as Questions versus Statements: An Influence of Phrase Style on Product Evaluation.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (4), 635-41. 2015.
“Consumer Response to Overstyling: Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality in Product Design.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Psychology & Marketing, 31 (7), 518-25. June, 2014.
“How to Say 'No': Conviction and Identity Attributions in Persuasive Refusal.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) International Journal of Research, in Marketing, 29 (4), 390-4. December, 2012.
“'I Don’t' versus 'I Can’t': When Empowered Refusal Motivates Goal-Directed Behavior.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick) Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (August), 371-81. November, 2011.
“Turning Art into Mere Illustration: Concretizing Art Renders Its Influence Context Dependent.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37 (12), 1624-32. 2011.
“The Impact of Incomplete Typeface Logos on Perceptions of the Firm.” Journal of Marketing, 75 (4), 86-93. July, 2011.
“Aesthetic Incongruity Resolution.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (2), 393-402. April, 2011.
“Art for Reward’s Sake: Visual Art Recruits the Ventral Striatum.” (With Simon Lacey, Vanessa M. Patrick, Amy Anderson, Randall Stilla, Gopikrishna Deshpande, Xiaoping Hu, João R. Sato, Srinivas Reddy, and K. Sathian.) NeuroImage, 55 (1), 420-433. November, 2010.
“The Broad Embrace of Luxury: Hedonic Potential as a Driver of Brand Extendibility.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (4), 608-618. October, 2009.
“Getting a Second Chance: The Influence of Inaction Regret on Future Purchase Opportunities.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick and Matthew Lancellotti.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37 (2), 181-190. June, 2009.
“Art Infusion: The Influence of Visual Art on the Perception and Evaluation of Consumer Products.” (With Vanessa M. Patrick.) Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (3), 379-89. June, 2008.
“Art and the Brand: The Role of Visual Art in Enhancing Brand Extendibility.” (Vanessa M. Patrick.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18 (3), 212-22. July, 2008.