Now more than ever…

Whether or not you were involved in service during your time here at BC, there are opportunities after graduation that allow you to explore more deeply your interest in service and justice issues. Over the years, hundreds of BC graduates have pursued full-time service through a variety of programs. Explore your passions, learn new skills, build community, and make a difference for and with others.

A group of volunteers standing in a field


  • One-on-One Advising
    If you are wondering what full-time service is all about, we are here to help. It’s never too early or too late to consider your options. Contact Kate Daly to set up a time to chat.
  • Catholic Volunteer Network
    The Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN) offers a database of programs with full-time opportunities, as well as additional resources for potential volunteers.  Many programs are still accepting applications well into the spring (2020).
  • Americorps
    Americorps is a network of service organizations created to meet the needs of the underserved in the United States.
  • Post Graduate Service Fair
    Connect with over 40 Organizations with full-time domestic and/or international opportunities.
  • Funding Opportunities
    W. Seavey Joyce, S.J. Grant: BC seniors who would like to pursue full-time domestic faith-based service but who have concerns about finances can apply for this funding opportunity. 

    "The Seavey Joyce grant was really helpful in my being able to follow my passion and do a year of service without as much stress." -2020 W. Seavey Joyce Grant recipient

If you are a student with questions about any of the events above, or if you are part of an organization interested in attending the Post Graduate Service Fair, please contact us.


Considering a year of full time service?

More events coming soon.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Post Grad Service Fair: Connect with over 30 post graduate service organizations with domestic and international opportunities.Heights Room

Post Grad Service Reception 2025TBD

Contact for more information.

Below is a list of organizations that offer full-time, supported, post graduate volunteer opportunities. Many of these organizations will visit Boston College for the Post-Grad Volunteer Fair that takes place each Fall.

Class of 2024 Full-Time Volunteers

Sarah Alexander
Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Molly Caballero
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

David Kim
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (AmeriCorps)

Kyle Hackett
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

Erin Hemando
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

Grace Hodges
Peace Corps

Lauren Vanderslice
Peace Corps

Jyllian Foster
St. Joseph Worker Program Los Angeles

Isabel Craven
Peace Corps

Gabriela Levitt
Americorps, National Parks of Boston Climate Conversation Corps

Elizabeth Leighton
San Lucas Mission

Sarah Alexander
Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Devyn Casey
Red Cloud Indian School

Kalindi Keffeler
AmeriCorps Legal Advocates of MA

If there is a post-grad volunteer program that you are interested but do not see on this list please contact the VSLC for more information. If you are a recent graduate and would like to add your information to this list, please contact

Post-Grad Service Alumni Reflections

Insights from the Career Center Blog

During These Difficult and Uncertain Times, How Can We Help?  Link to article
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students have seen their summer opportunities canceled or postponed. While there are still many
May 04, 2020
Reflections on Post-Graduate Service: Maureen Regan ’13, M.S.N. ’17  Link to article
Maureen (M.E.) Regan, BA ’13, was a Rostro de Cristo volunteer in the Arbolito neighborhood of Durán, Ecuador from 2013-2014. 
February 28, 2020
Can I Afford to do a Year of Service?  Link to article
During my senior year of college, I was thrilled to be offered a position working for Advocates for Children of
October 30, 2019